Sales Director

Meet Paul, a dynamic entrepreneur and spirits enthusiast who turned his dream of creating an American rum brand into a flourishing success, selling over 15,000 cases in 15 states. After navigating the challenges of launching in 2020 with creativity and resilience, he transitioned his brand to a national brokerage firm, paving the way for even greater growth. Now, as the Sales Director at High Bank Distillery, Paul is championing what he calls the best whiskey in the world (a claim backed by the San Francisco Spirits Awards). With big ambitions, he’s on a mission to bring High Bank’s exceptional whiskey beyond Ohio to every corner of the U.S. 

Time at HB
- 2024

Fave HB Spirit - Whiskey War Cigar Cask

Fave HB Cocktail - End of Anxiety

Fave Line From a Movie - "Sorry you'll have to excuse my friend, he's a little slow. The town's THAT way." - Dumb and Dumber

Hobby - Supporting local regenerative agriculture in every aspect of life.